Crow Chaser

Disperses Crows & Other Birds

Crow Chaser
Disperses Crows & Other Birds

Crow Chaser 1 About Crow Chaser

The 5" x 5" Crow Chaser is a state-or-the-art optical harassment / behavioral modification device that disperses crows, ravens, and other Corvid bird species from trees, power lines, agriculture, roofs, airport runways, etc.

Simply wave the Crow Chaser in a sweeping / threatening motion directly at the flock and the birds immediately take flight. The Crow Chaser is more effective if used continually at dawn and sunset (typically 1-3 days) to modify overnight roosting patterns. Install multiple devices at flight path, roosting / nesting sites.

Note: while the Crow Chaser is unique no single product stands alone particularly if the birds are committed to the site and / or a food source is present. Our audio system has never failed to deter crows or starlings. Check that system out: Phoenix Wetlands Wailer

Crow Chaser = $38 / Telescopic Rod = $8 + shipping.

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