Goose Control

Proven Solutions For Any Goose Problem

We Know How To Get Rid Of Geese!

Goose Control

Proven Solutions For Any Goose Problem

We Know How To Get Rid Of Geese!

Goose Control

Usually folks refer to Canada Geese as Canadian Geese. The correct title is Canada Geese and they are not classified as a pest bird species. As such, they are protected by both Federal and State laws. However, if you've ever had a problem with geese you know that goose control can be an absolute must. Here are some considerations:

  • There are 11 subspecies of Canadian Geese and all can present a real pest bird problem for homeowners, businesses, public parks, golf courses, waterways, etc.
  • If you have a lush landscape, geese will set up shop if they find it. They love the Club Med environment that humans create for them.
  • Geese present a huge agricultural problem. They will eat and trample on crops regardless of location or time of year.
  • Geese can create a real health hazard by fouling reservoirs, lakes and ponds.
  • Geese are a major problem for airports and are one of the most common pest birds involved in airline bird strikes throughout the world.

Goose control must be done correctly - both for effectiveness and to protect the birds. BirdBusters has over 50 years experience in the pest bird industry and can help you define the right goose control program for your unique situation. Give us a call at 703-299-8855 or fill out the contact form and get the best customer service available in the industry. We really do know how to get rid of geese.

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