Woodpecker Control

Proven Solutions For Any Woodpecker Problem

We Know How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers!

Woodpecker Control

Proven Solutions For Any Woodpecker Problem

We Know How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers!

Woodpecker Control

Woodpecker control is tricky! But it's also important. They can cause expensive structural damages very quickly and usually won't stop coming to any place where they're getting what they need. Considerations:

  • 1st off: woodpeckers a protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and by some state laws as well. So: DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT COULD HURT OR KILL A WOODPECKER!
  • They peck on, or drill, various surfaces for various reasons. So understanding their behavior can go a longs ways towards effective woodpecker control.
  • Sometimes they drill on a structure to get materials for making a nest. Insulation and the foam behind stucco are two great examples. These materials line the nest and help keep eggs and chicks safe and warm.
  • Sometimes a woodpecker drills on a structure (or a tree, fence post, tree stump, etc.) for a meal. Termites are a woodpecker's favorite meal and they will know where the termites are - usually long before you do.
  • A woodpecker will also drill on metal surfaces, which at first glimpse, doesn't make a lot of sense. When that happens the woodpecker in question is almost always a male and is either letting a competing male know how tough he is, or is telling all of the ladies in the area how awesome he is. Either way, it can be a noisy nuisance to the people of the home or business.

Since they are protected, all you legally can do is to deter them away from your property. This can be very difficult as they will just move to the closest spot where they feel safe. Luckily, BirdBusters has helped solve many woodpecker problems. We can help you, too. Just call us at 703-299-8855 or fill out the form below for the best customer service you'll see today. We really do know how to get rid of woodpeckers!

Woodpecker Control Options:

WoodpeckerControl Options:

Call Jack at 703-299-8855
Or fill out this contact form for real help with your pest bird problem.


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