Starling Control

Proven Solutions For Any Starling Problem

We Know How To Get Rid Of Starlings!

Starling Control

Proven Solutions For Any Starling Problem

We Know How To Get Rid Of Starlings!

Starling Control

Starlings are one of the most irritating pest bird species. Starling control can be very tricky and almost always must be approached from several different angles all at once. Here are some things you should know about starlings and starling control:

  • As with all pest bird species, an accumulation of starling feces will damage any structure. It is acidic and will damage most anything, including shingle, metal, tile or foam roofing; canopies, paint, stucco, plastic, stone, masonry, etc.
  • Starlings will often build their nests inside of rain gutters and drainage pipes causing water to back up and damage the structure.
  • Starlings really like building their nests in exhaust vents and exposed ductwork. Sometimes these nests can create a fire hazard.
  • Their feces can harbor various bacteria, fungi and parasites when allowed to accumulate.
  • Starlings are one of the worse pest bird species when it comes to agriculture. They eat and damage crops at an alarming rate.
  • Staling control is often a must in livestock situations. Not only do they eat the feed intended for the livestock, but they also spread disease from one livestock operation to others.

BirdBusters has solutions for any pest bird problem, including starlings. Give us a call at 703-299-8855 or fill out the contact form below. We will help you develop a starling control program that will be effective and efficient. We know how to get rid of starlings!

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